Training programs and systems

Program trenerovok for various sports, for both professional athletes and people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Progressive systems and methods of athletic training Progressive systems and methods of athletic training for men and women
Give a description of features of the training in the preparatory and competitive periods, relations between exercises, the use of different training facilities, the most advanced forms of recovery...

Encyclopedia home of athleticism. Ivanov Igor Serafimovich

This book is for those who want to have good health, a beautiful body, enjoy success with women and be successful in work and business. Only a strong and confident person can expect to win in today's complex life...

Classification of load tests

Very important in the performance of samples (tests) with physical activity is the correctness of their implementation and dosage on the rate and duration...

Tests on physical performance

Testing of physical performance of individuals engaged in physical culture and sports...

Training programs K. Cooper

The purpose of these programs is to increase maximal oxygen consumption as a result of improving function and enhancing reserves of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems...

What is necessary to change training programs

Practice and research experts suggest that the optimal time of employment on a single program - about eight weeks. This approximate value which depends on the level of your preparation of your nervous system from the program itself, and many other factors. It is recommended to train for a program of six to nine weeks.

At long classes there addictive muscle to repetitive stress, and accordingly reduced the effect of training. Gradually progress slows down (when you exercise, and the results are noticeably improved). If we continue to act as monotonous and monotonous, it is unlikely that the results have improved. Once you finished studying good for any program to get good results, you need to change your workouts and start further progress.

We need to change the training program to better diversify the muscles to use different exercises to train the muscles in a different mode, in order to develop the body more harmoniously.

If you are too long on the same program, there is a fatigue of the nervous system. This can lead to the fact that you will have an aversion to sports activities, you will have a reluctance to go to the gym. Sport should be engaged with pleasure, you have to like it. We must choose to go to the gym, you should always keep the interest of their studies, and to do this, you need to periodically change the workout program.

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