Articles section "Hygiene"

Hygiene is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. Articles You submit into the category Hygiene will be reviewed and published on the website www.fiziolive.ru and other friendly projects.

Federal law No. 52-FZ of 30 March 1999

About the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population...

Activated water at home

For anybody not a secret that the human body is 75-80% water. Part of the body of water called "living" and has the special physico-chemical properties...

Rent of bath - great alternative to rest

The steam room helps to prevent many diseases...

Personal health of the athlete

For a person engaged in athletic gymnastics, as well as for any strength athlete, you must comply with personal hygiene...

Teeth for the health and beauty of the athlete

If the strongman wants to use additional reserves of the body, then he should follow their teeth...

Dental hygiene

Teeth health depends on the genetic characteristics of an organism of a particular person, his lifestyle and ongoing prevention of diseases...

Cesspool — a pit for the accumulation of sewage, sewage

The accumulation pit for sewage, also the channel through which discharged sewage...

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