The articles section Longevity

PET-CT diagnostics of the future

The use of PET-CT in Israel to assess the condition of the body at the cellular level, which is very important in the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, etc....

Colonoscopy, prophylactic and diagnostic purposes

Bowel disease is very insidious and can develop quite imperceptible to humans. However, they can cause irreparable harm, therefore, to identify them should be in the early stages...

Oxygen cocktails

This cocktail is not a cure, but is a product of a healthy diet, it has a number of positive effects on your body...

The pharmaceutical provision of patients with rare diseases

Preparation of laws on provision of medicines to patients with rare diseases in Russia...

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with the help of myostimulation

The influence of electric pulses are directed on restoration and normalization of the systems of internal organs, muscles and tissues. The procedure myostimulation can be performed in the salon or at home...

A healthy lifestyle and alcohol

Sometimes healthy strong people begin to abuse alcohol. The reasons for this are different, however, the health consequences can be very serious. What causes abuse and what to do with it...

How to open a private medical centre or private clinic

The main stages and tasks to open the new medical centre in Moscow...

Ionization of water with silver for your health

Immunologists recommend this water to children to enhance body tone, strengthen the immune system, reducing the threshold for the incidence of various SARS...

Away, insomnia

In order to rid yourself of insomnia, the first thing you should do is to normalize the diet (see Nutrition)...

Migraine – the modern menace to society

The migraine always comes unexpectedly, and its causes can be different...

The contributing factors to poor health - bad habits

The causes of deterioration of the functional state and health of persons engaged in physical culture and sports...

The longevity of the plants. Evaluation of durability of plants

In descriptive botany, but also in the practice we are talking about constantly challenging individuals. It gets its logical meaning in the sense that she is a complex individual, like the simplest, its beginning and end, birth and death. Here again is seen the profound difference between the most complex forms of vegetable and animal life...

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