Sports, featured articles

Pre-workout complexes: why do they need when playing sports?

The composition of the pre-workout complex contains mixture of various vitamins, minerals, revitalizing and stimulating substances, adaptogenov...

The history of the formation of figure skating as a sport

First appeared and developed single skating, and the first competitions were held only among men-the singles...

Price on sports nutrition. Gainers

Creatine is one of the most popular sports nutrition supplements and are used primarily by athletes who engaged in power sports...

Life in motion

Motion is life. This phrase is each one of us is familiar literally since childhood. But, alas, not all at the same time follow the instruction. Physical inactivity is a disease of modern society...

The right intake of amino acids

To avoid health problems of the athlete, and the effectiveness of building muscle, the bodybuilder needs to eat right...

About the benefits of evening charging

Exercises most people associate with exercise that are performed in the morning. However, if we remember that the purpose of charging is to increase the attention and performance...

Therapeutic exercises to strengthen children's immunity

From the ancient times it was known that the bodies of everyone, including children, can be affected by some sort of exercise...

Sports in the gym or at home – what to choose?

Today it has become fashionable to monitor their health and observe a healthy lifestyle, even in schools revived the tradition of propaganda teams...

Prevention of injuries in physical training and sports

To prevent sports injuries, the coach (teacher) has to know the peculiarities, the main reasons and conditions contributing to the emergence of various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system...

The effect of strenuous exercise on the musculoskeletal system and functional status of athletes

The adaptive capabilities of the organism are not boundless, athletes are not always fully able to adapt to certain environmental conditions, physical stress, resulting in disease...

Self-employment by physical culture and sports

The main principle in physical education — do no harm! In this regard, we recommend to pay attention to the following...

Medical control in physical culture and sports

Medical follow-up for women, students, middle-aged and elderly...

Biochemical research methods

Biochemical methods is one of the leading places in the overall set of surveys and monitoring fitness of athletes...

Evaluation of the functional state of the nervous system of sportsmenov

The main function of the nervous system is rapid and accurate flow of information...

Evaluation of the functions of respiration while you exercise

The basis of tissue respiration is a complex oxidation-reduction reactions, accompanied by release of energy, which is necessary for the human body...

Assessment of the cardiovascular system

Blood circulation is one of the most important physiological processes maintaining homeostasis, providing a continuous delivery of all organs and cells of the body necessary for life nutrients and oxygen...

Types and classification of physical work

Physical activity of the person consists of static and dynamic work...

Assessment of physical development

Under the physical development of man to understand the complex functional-morphological properties of the organism, which determines its physical capacity...

The answer to the mystery of the "Square of Malevich"

After a small analysis of your personal life, you come to the conclusion about the harmfulness of TV.

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